Owen Strong

Update on Owen!

We went to Charlotte for his oncology appointment on Tuesday. The plan is to get Owen comfortable. We are praying for a miracle but Owen is tired, the disease now showing signs in the right side of his face. He is dropping and drooling. They informed hospice and they came out around noon today. We had a lot of decisions to make and what all we don't want to put Owen through anymore. With that being said.... We are doing our grieving process at home. Where we have been since the beginning and all together. We are doing a DNR (which they call it the golden rod) for Owen. We don't want him to have to be shocked or anything else. He has been through more than most human beings on this earth. We are praying for a peaceful and pain-free passing. We are all grieving and heartbroken πŸ’”. I can't even put into words. If you all please say a prayer for our family in this devastating time. Pray for a peaceful passing of our cancer warrior Owen into God's healing arms where he will no longer suffer! He will be happy, no pain and playing againπŸ™πŸ’”πŸ˜”πŸ˜­ We don't have a time frame but the doctor said it won't be long.

To all of you! Owen's fans and support! We want to thank you all for everything! The love and prayers! You have fought with us over 2 years now and hoped and prayed for Owen to beat this cancer. He did not win this battle but we hope we helped future children and their families to where there will be no more childhood cancers! We all can continue the support to beat cancer one day! πŸ™ πŸ™πŸŽ—πŸŽ—

Thank you all again. We love you all! Owen loves you all! πŸ˜­πŸ™πŸŽ—

#ourowen #GodsPlan #CancerSucks #OwenStrong #childhoodcancerawareness #thehimesfamily

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